I so have to read this

Rise of the Spider Goddess, by Jim C. Hines. Seriously. Click the link and look at the cover. Do not wonder what’s wrong with them. Click the picture. Read the blurb. I wish every successful author would do something like this.

You’re all nuts, aren’t you?

All of you out there who are participating in NaNoWriMo. I mean, it’s insane. 50k words in a single month. If it were at least a month with 31 days, but no… it has to be November! That’s 1666 2/3 words per day. PER DAY! And I guess there’s a catch. Or several. Like having…

Reading Habits

A meme is going round (and round and round…), and I take the bait. Found here and on many other places. 1: Do you have a certain place at home for reading? If I have time and can make myself comfortable for more than a few minutes, it’s either the bed or the couch. 2:…

These hurt thrice

Tattooed grammar fails The first time when they got it. The second time when they had to live with it. And the third time when they corrected it. (Provided they did.) And somehow I can’t help the glee *snickers*

10 Great Quotations from Writers about Cats

There are not enough cats on the internetz. Interesting Literature ‘Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.’ – Robertson Davies ‘When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction.’ – Mark Twain ‘I am glad you have a Cat,…

Up-and-Coming Author

I made a book recently. A children’s book about an alligator girl named Allie. I only did the editing and DTP work, though. A very dear friend and neighbour of mine wrote the text and his wife drew the illustrations. It was meant as a birthday present for their 8-year-old son. The whole project grew…

RSS: Please Provide your Feed!

Dear fellow bloggers, I have a request: please provide a link to your RSS-feed. We all want to connect. We all want to get as many readers as possible. And believe it or not, but there are those of us who are oldschooled. It’s awesome that I can add you on facebook, twitter, google+, bloglovin’,…

Quo vadis?

I have a story to write. I know what it’s about, I know the characters, have a theme and a general conflict that has to be solved. I have half a dozen brilliant first sentences, bits and pieces of witty dialogue, I know who will clash and who will cooperate and what has to happen…