Up-and-Coming Author

I made a book recently. A children’s book about an alligator girl named Allie. I only did the editing and DTP work, though. A very dear friend and neighbour of mine wrote the text and his wife drew the illustrations. It was meant as a birthday present for their 8-year-old son. The whole project grew…

Flash Fiction: The First Cut

Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction challenge this week is the follow-up to last week’s Opening Line Contest. Take one of the (approximately 500) posted opening lines and use it as starting point for your own story. I chose “The first cut is not always the deepest” by georgie538. 1000 Words. Warning: I took it literally. Violence…

Quo vadis?

I have a story to write. I know what it’s about, I know the characters, have a theme and a general conflict that has to be solved. I have half a dozen brilliant first sentences, bits and pieces of witty dialogue, I know who will clash and who will cooperate and what has to happen…

Flash Fiction: Paula

And now for something completely different… Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction challenge this week is something-punk. “The literary subgenre -punk contains, as I see it, a couple key features – a) A world taken over by the technology or fuel source or by humans (often in an authoritarian role) attempting to control the utilization and implementation…